Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009 WOD:

Clean & Jerk

My Performance: 63-83-93-113-123-133/-133/

I was so frustrated witht the 133 lbs attempt. I know I can go overhead with it, but for some reason, I got mental, and wouldn't go down far enough with my split to get it overhead. I could clean it easily. I dropped it once on the back of my neck...that'll leave a nice bruise! SO FRUSTRATING!!! Today we had a newbie...and guess who it was! None other than Ben Tanner--who did a great job lifting then did a half "helen"! (which I would have done with, but didn't know pretty much until paul said 3,2,1--GO that that was what they were doing! I thought they were just going through some fundamentals.)

I also had, what I thought to be, a pretty witty comment on today's post. I normally leave the wittiness to the professionals. The sad part is, I didn't realize it until after I posted my comment!

Friday, July 24, 2009 WOD:

The new CCF t-shirts are in!!! What do you think?

5 Rounds for Time of:

800 Meter Run
15 L-Pull Ups

My Performance: ??:?? Kipping L-Pull Ups
(I don't know if Kipping L-Pull ups counts as Rx or MOD)

Another 2 1/2 mile run--yay... Did I ever say how much I love to run??? I didn't? Maybe it's because I DON'T!!! 800 M are so hard for me. I never wanted to walk so badly in my life! I sometimes didn't make it to the 800m turn around point, so I would run back to my station when I didn't instead of stopping outside. I was able to do the kipping L-Pull Ups fairly easily--about 4 at a time. Matt said he could only do 2 at a time by the end. I tried to do a 4, 4, 3, 2, 2 set. Christian did this WOD sub 20...holy cow!! Christian is my new gym bud. He's 15 (I think) a hard worker, and a good motivation for me.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 WOD:

5 Rounds for Time of:

10 Push Jerks (Men/155lbs & Women/115lbs)
20 Lateral Med Ball Jumps (over and back = 1)

My Performance: ??:??, MOD 95 lbs

AAGH!!! The Rx weight keeps getting higher! I thought for sure I could do this WOD Rx'd--until I looked at the Rx weight! I'm so frustrated. The only good thing about this, is that it's my first ever 95 lbs WOD. (which is what I personally feel like the weight should have been) Oh well, maybe next time. This is also the first time we've done anything side to side--which was interesting. I finally figured out on the third round to take my shoes off. I felt 5 lbs lighter and was able to do the side-to-sides without worrying about killing myself by tripping over the med ball.

Monday, July 20, 2009 WOD:

5 Rounds For Time of:

5 Muscle Ups
15 Back Extensions
30 Sit Ups

My Performance: ??:?? MOD, 3 to 1 Jumping Muscle Up's

I'm so excited!! I've made some progress with MU's. Bobbi showed me the proper motion for the muscle ups, and how to do it with the JMU's. It "clicked" on the second round, and I was able to do like 4 or 5 in a row before resting. (Remember I had to do 15 JMU's per round to equal the 5 MU's from the WOD.) Today was exciting and I want to start working MU's now.

Friday, July 17, 2009 WOD:

4 Rounds for time of:

Run 400 Meters
50 Double Unders
25 Burpees

My Performance: ??:?? Rx

I was able to do this workout Rx'd. I did not--and have not been--counting my double under attempts. It only counts if the rope goes completely under my feet the second time. It still takes me a few times to get used to the rhythm, but I'm able to do it faster now and I can normally get between 7 and 10 double unders at a time. I believe the three most taxing cardio-respiratory exercises were combined in this WOD. I'm just thankful it wasn't an 800M run!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 WOD:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time of:

Deadlift (M/225 & W/185)
Hand Stand Push Ups
Thrusters (M/95 & W/65)
Pull Ups

My Performance: ??:??, MOD--DL 135lbs, HSPU 2 abmats

This WOD was odd because the deadlift weight was so high, and the thruster weight was so low. I would have figured the DL's to be 135 lbs or 155 lbs, and the thruster's to be 75 lbs or 95 lbs. Anyway, rounds 8, 7, and 6 were the hardest to get through. Once I hit 5, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and just kept pushing through. At round 3, I just went straight through and didn't stop. Once I got to my last round, it was fun to do the 1 rep and run to the next station. (I was also trying to beat the guy next to me!) This is the first time I've done more than 5 rounds at a time, but this one was quite nice. (Although I do have to say that I missed seeing the pullups on the website when I looked at the WOD this morning. But pullups aren't that hard for me anymore.)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009 WOD:

5 Rounds for time:

9 Overhead Squats
500 meter Row

( RX’ wt. 135lb men, 95lb women)

My Performance: 15:58 75 lbs

I LOVE OHS's and rowing! I don't know what it is about them, but they are very easy for me. I totally could have done 95 lbs. I didn't because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to clean it when I was tired. I'm definately going to do 95 lbs from now on. I would SO much rather row than run. I finished so fast! Some of the times I saw when I came in were at the 20 minute mark, some 30 minutes, one about 18 minutes.

Friday, July 10, 2009 WOD:


3 Rounds For Time Of:
400 Meter Run
21 Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull Ups

Rx’d Weight for Men/24kg & Women/16kg

My Performance: 12:33 Rx

I so badly wanted to go sub 10 on this...my runs are killing my time. I've got to do some running on my own if I'm going to improve. My last "helen" was May 4, 2009 at 15:10 Rx. ~2:40 improvement in just 8 weeks--pretty good eh!?!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 WOD:

Front Squat 5-5-5-5-5

My Performance: 75-85-105-115-125-135 + 140/2 reps

Paul wasn't there today. It was Dot (Paul's wife) and a new guy that I'd never met before. I wanted to see what Santana posted and meet it/beat it. I didn't beat her weight, but I surley did meet her weight!!

Monday, July 6, 2009 WOD:

For Time:

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Push Jerk

Rx’d Weight for Men/95lbs & Women/75lbs

My Performance: 10:01 53 lbs

I woke up this morning and my shoulder was hurting, so I didn't want to over-do-it, mess up my shoulder on the SDHP's, and be out of CF for a while. I opted for the lower weight/better time route--and I rocked it!

Friday, July 3, 2009 WOD:

21-15-9 for time of:

Dumbell Squat Cleans (Men/40lbs & Women/30lbs)
Ring Dips
Pull Ups
100 Meter Farmers Walk (with dumbells)

My Performance: ??:??

This WOD seriously killed my grip! I could not hold on to those stinking dumbells! Those pull-ups were the hardest I've ever done! (btw farmer's walk is holding the dumbells at your side and walking down to the designated 50m mark and back) My forearms were throbbing by the time I got done.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009 WOD:

4 Rounds for Time of:

Run 800 Meters/Rest 1 Minute

Run 400 Meters/Rest 2 Minutes

My Performance: 800m 400m 800m 400m 800m 400m 800m 400m
Times: 3:50 6:54 13:16 16:38 23:27 27:19 34:18 37:47
Splits: 3:50 2:04 4:22 2:22 4:49 2:52 4:59 2:29

I'm not a very good runner, but those times/splits are VERY good for me. We ran 3 miles today and I was just glad to finish. It's hard to run in the hot and sticky weather and then rest in a gym that doesn't have AC! My goal was sub 40:00. That's a bonus. Bad luck on catching lights this time. I had to wait twice on my 800m run for a line of cars on pickens street. It added like 20 seconds and put me so far behind the person I was trying to stay with, that I didn't really have any incentive to push myself. Then I rolled my ankle trying to get out of the way of a car on my last 400m right at the 200m mark. That was a downer, but overall I'm satisfied.